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Government Affairs

Regulators actively collaborate with NSF in standards, assessment, training, and services to ensure industry excellence and compliance.

Regulators and other governmental officials assume a central role in NSF's standards development, conformity assessment programs, training initiatives, and technical services. Proactive engagement, close collaboration, and robust partnerships ensure the integrity and effectiveness of our processes, contributing significantly to the shared goal of upholding the highest standards in the industries we serve. This cooperative effort underscores the dynamic synergy between NSF and governmental officials, collectively advancing the realms of safety, quality, and compliance.

Explore Regulatory Resources

Training for Regulators
NSF provides high quality training and education to support public health professionals.
NSF is an independent, not-for-profit organization with a mission to protect environmental and public health. NSF writes standards, and tests and certifies products for the food, water and consumer goods industries.
World Health Organization
NSF is a Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Food Safety, Water Quality and Indoor Environment.
Collaborating With NSF
NSF's international standards and programs are often cited in federal, state or local regulations, including codes that may impact public health. Regulators serve on the joint committees that develop and maintain these consensus-based American National Standards.
About NSF Certification
NSF accredited third-party certification provides all stakeholders – industry, regulators, users and the general public – assurance that a certified product, material, component or service complies with the technical requirements of the referenced standard.
About NSF Standards
NSF follows American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Standards Council of Canada (SCC) standards development processes. Standards are developed by joint committees (balanced stakeholder groups of public health, industry and user representatives).
NSF provides many services and opportunities for the academic community, including participation in standards development, research, and graduate and undergraduate support.
Key Related Organizations
Working with key organizations allows NSF and regulators to collaborate to ensure human and environmental health worldwide. Key groups include professional, academic and trade/industry associations as well as standards, public health and governmental organizations.

About NSF

NSF was originally established as the National Sanitation Foundation in 1944 at the University of Michigan School of Public Health as an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization. The mission of NSF is to improve human and planet health, a mission we share with regulatory agencies and personnel whose job is to do the same.

Public Health Experts

  • Raul Radoi

    Government Affairs Manager EMEA

    Government Affairs

  • Derek DeLand

    Environmental Health Programs Manager

    Government Affairs

  • Harold Chase

    Legislative Director

    Government Affairs, NSF Spokesperson

  • Jeremy Brown

    Government Affairs Manager

    Government Affairs

  • Nikki Beetsch

    Government Affairs Manager

    Government Affairs

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