Participation in Standards Development
NSF has developed over 80 voluntary American National Standards under the scope of public health, safety, environment and sustainability assessment. NSF/ANSI standards are developed through a public process that ensures balanced input from public health/regulatory officials, industry representatives, academia and users. To participate in creating or revising an NSF standard, you can:
- Submit, for public review, comments or an issue document suggesting revisions to a standard
- Attend a joint committee or task group meeting as an observer
- Apply to join an NSF task group that provides recommendations to a joint committee on a specific issue
- Apply to join an NSF joint committee, the consensus body responsible for the development and revision of NSF/ANSI standards
NSF participates in varied research projects as co-investigators or as subcontractors. The research has included cooperative projects with University of Michigan and Michigan State University.
Graduate Support
NSF has established graduate scholarships and endowed the Department Chair of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.
Undergraduate Support
NSF believes it is critical to support the development of the next generation of health department professionals. The NSF Scholarship at AEHAP (Association of Environmental Health Accredited Programs) funds an environmental health student’s summer research and field work on environmental health issues.