QP Seminar for Prospective QPs and Sponsors

Register for this online course to immediately gain free access to our QP information pack and gap analysis tool, as well as several other resources and short videos providing information on:

  • How NSF provides QP training
  • QP Eligibility Application Process
  • Postgraduate qualifications with the University of Strathclyde
  • and much more

The online course outlines what you can expect as you train as a QP with NSF. NSF trained QPs are widely regarded as the best in the industry. We understand that making the decision to train as a QP is not an easy one to make. It requires time, commitment, and cost and so we also host quarterly Q&A sessions with Catherine Kay, Executive Director, and Claire Bettany, QP Coordinator, to demystify the QP training process so that you can feel comfortable embarking on your path to qualifying as a QP.

You can register for your Q&A session of choice through the online course, which is hosted on our Learning Management System.

NSF offers pharmaceutical Qualified Person training in conjunction with the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, one of the premier universities for pharmaceutical education in the UK. This blend of academic excellence and sound industry-based experience sets our QP training apart from the other providers and ensures an unparalleled success rate.

We offer those taking pharmaceutical Qualified Person training the opportunity to gain a Master of Science (MSc) qualification, a postgraduate diploma (PGDip) or a postgraduate certificate (PGCert) in pharmaceutical quality and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

Qualified Person Training With NSF

Watch the video