NSF EyeSucceed, Powered by TeamViewer, and Glass Wearable Technology Deliver Smartglass Solutions to the Food Industry

NSF EyeSucceed software solutions and Glass Enterprise Edition 2 (EE2) wearable technology are helping the food industry adapt, evolve and thrive.

Backed by the strength of Glass EE2 wearable technology and powered by NSF EyeSucceed software, NSF is the only Glass Provider focused on serving the food industry. This working relationship began in 2014 with a smartglass pilot project performed at the Google cafeteria in Mountain View, California. Since then, NSF EyeSucceed has been playing a major role in supporting the food industry worldwide.

Reimagining Food Operations

The success of any disruptive technology depends on its ability to deliver demonstrated use cases in saving money or solving problems, along with a proven return on the financial investment.

Glass EE2 commercial-grade wearable technology, combined with NSF’s expertise and NSF EyeSucceed software, accomplishes that and more.

The Glass EE2 hardware has allowed us to take the NSF EyeSucceed software to a higher level, empowering clients with a deeply refined solution that meets the needs of the food industry. By offering advanced livestreaming capabilities for remote assistance, extended battery life and excellent connectivity, Google is bringing smartglasses to the mainstream as a viable business tool.

As a Glass Provider, NSF EyeSucceed supplies the Glass EE2 device right to our clients. Because user feedback and needs are critical, they are shared with the Glass team at Google and directly inform future Glass product development.

“The Glass team has worked with NSF EyeSucceed over the last five years to optimize the solution,” said Glass Project Lead Jay Kothari. “The Glass Enterprise Edition 2 device incorporates changes that reflect feedback from that partnership, including enhanced camera quality and longer battery life.”

A Perfect Fit for the Food Industry

Smartglasses are lightweight and don't impede the wearer’s vision or efficiency. They feature strong computing and communications capabilities that lend themselves to industry-specific uses.

Food companies have used smartglass applications developed by the Glass team and NSF EyeSucceed for years. Guided by our clients’ feedback, smartglass capabilities have evolved and are continuously being updated to support a wider range of food industry applications.

Glass and the related logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

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