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Restaurants and Foodservice

Increase profitability without compromising food safety.

The restaurant and foodservice sectors are facing unprecedented challenges: rising energy costs, staff and skills shortages, disruptions to supply chains. Shortages can increase the risk of food fraud as new supplies and suppliers are established, and the risk to human health increases when ingredients and menus are adapted.

These challenges demand creative solutions — ways to increase profitability and manage rising costs without compromising food safety. Supplier due diligence, quality control inspections and supplier complaint investigations add to the demands of juggling resource-intensive daily operations.

Competing to win, many restaurant and foodservice operations are adapting with broader menu options — clean, gluten-free, vegan — as well as delivery, takeout and cook-at-home prepackaged goods. Allergen regulations for labels and menus apply regardless of the food delivery channel, so having more options means managing more complexity.

NSF TraQtion® software solution can help you stay compliant with all the relevant regulations for the country in which you operate. It has a comprehensive, full-service suite of capabilities.

How NSF TraQtion® Can Help

  • Identify quality defects and risky suppliers earlier in the production process to prevent food recalls.
  • Make faster decisions and prioritize continuous improvement projects by tapping into the value of your supply chain data.
  • Scale as your business grows — with new brands, products, stores, DCs, suppliers and cross-selling strategies.
  • Maximize productivity by no longer chasing suppliers when regulatory and other documents expire or are missing.

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