NDI and GRAS Notification Training

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About This Course

Join us for a simplified technical training that helps you break down and understand complex testing results and quantitative data. This course educates you on the required DSHEA regulation for manufacturing dietary supplements with new ingredients and submitting a new dietary ingredient ​notification ​(NDIN) ​to ​the ​FDA.

Key Learning Objectives

Combining extensive industry experience and concrete understanding of regulations with flexible and convenient training, you will learn to:

  • Determine whether you need to submit an NDIN or if another regulatory pathway is more appropriate
  • Understand which information and testing to include for a successful FDA review
  • How to establish safety under the intended use conditions
  • Analyze and document information to prove the intended use will not result in any adverse health effects
  • Identify and avoid common issues associated with NDIN submissions through real-world examples

Who Should Attend

The ​course ​is ​suitable for ​dietary ​supplement ​and ​food ​ingredient ​manufacturers ​and ​suppliers ​interested ​in ​understanding ​the ​basic ​requirements ​for ​NDINs ​so ​they ​can ​better ​communicate ​with ​regulators ​and ​specialists.

Can’t Attend the Live Course?

Register for the on-demand recording