BRCGS Root Cause Analysis

In-Person, Virtual Learning8 hours

Course Overview

This one-day course will provide delegates with a thorough understanding of root cause analysis (RCA) to know its importance and be able to perform it competently. This is especially helpful when implementing some of the requirements in the BRCGS Standards.

Who should Attend

  • Retailers

  • Consultants

  • Technical Managers and personnel

  • Quality Managers and personnel

  • Auditors

  • Manufacturers

An email address is required for registration and to receive the login instructions.

Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the training course through NSF’s eLearning portal. Any additional information pertaining to the course will be sent in your confirmation email.

You will find your course material and homework/exam on the eLearning portal. You will need to access the portal in order to successfully complete the course and print your certificate. Upon successful course completion, you will gain access to print your official NSF Certificate.

View the Full Course Description

Course Objective

At the end of the program, learners will be able to: 

  • Define root cause analysis 

  • Understand the difference between symptoms and root cause analysis (RCA) 

  • Understand the role and importance of RCA in compliance with the BRCGS Standards 

  • Have explored some common methods for undertaking RCA 

  • Be able to perform RCA and document it effectively 



BRCGS is a market-leading global brand that helps build confidence in the supply chain. Our Global Standards for Food Safety, Packaging Materials, Storage and Distribution, Consumer Products, Agents and Brokers, Retail, Gluten Free, Plant-Based and Ethical Trading set the benchmark for good manufacturing practice, and help provide assurance to customers that your products are safe, legal and of high quality. 


Computer and Internet Connection: 

You will need regular access to a computer with an internet connection. High speed broadband access (LAN, Cable or DSL) is recommended. 

Compatible Web Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE Edge and higher 


Special Requirements

NSF is committed to accommodating the learning requirements of all our stakeholders. If you require special assistance for any reason, please contact your regional office one week prior to your class. 

Additional Recommended Courses

GLOBALG.A.P. Fruit & Vegetables v6 - Understanding the Requirements

General Regulations related to registration, audit timing and compliance rules; Interpretation of the Compliance Criteria and Annexes; Risk Assessments.

What this course covers

  • Overview of the GLOBALG.A.P. Regulations.

  • How to interpret the Standard’s
    Compliance Criteria.

  • Using the GLOBALG.A.P. supporting documentation to help develop and implement Good Agricultural Practices.

An email address is required for registration and to receive the login instructions.

Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the training course through NSF’s eLearning portal. Any additional information pertaining to the course will be sent in your confirmation email.

You will find your course material and homework/exam on the eLearning portal. You will need to access the portal in order to successfully complete the course and print your certificate. Upon successful course completion, you will gain access to print your official NSF Certificate.

Who should Attend

Farmers, managers, system administrators and producers of fruit & vegetables. Anyone currently responsible for and managing a farm’s GLOBALGAP system.

BRCGS Validation & Verification

This one-day course will provide you with a thorough understanding of validation and verification so you know the level of detail required for each process and are able to use validation and verification in practice. This is especially helpful when implementing some of the requirements in the BRCGS Standards.

What this course covers

  • Introduction to validation and verification

  • The validation flow diagram

  • Validation in the Standards

  • Validation in cleaning

  • Verification

  • Work-based Validation and Verification Course Assessment

This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition programme.

An email address is required for registration and to receive the login instructions.

Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the training course through NSF’s eLearning portal. Any additional information pertaining to the course will be sent in your confirmation email.

You will find your course material and homework/exam on the eLearning portal. You will need to access the portal in order to successfully complete the course and print your certificate. Upon successful course completion, you will gain access to print your official NSF Certificate.

Who should Attend

  • Retailers

  • Consultants

  • Technical Managers and personnel

  • Quality Managers and personnel

  • Auditors

BRCGS Vulnerability Assessment for Food Fraud

This one-day course will provide you with a thorough understanding of vulnerability assessment for food fraud and enable you to use techniques to better identify and mitigate risks associated to raw materials in the supply chain. This is particularly useful when implementing product safety management systems and the requirements of the BRCGS Global Standards on site.

What this course covers

  • Introduction to Course

  • Definitions

  • Global Standard Requirements

  • Supplier Agents and Brokers

  • Vulnerability Assessment

  • Case Study

This course has a mandatory course assessment with a required passing mark of 75%.

This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition programme.

An email address is required for registration and to receive the login instructions.

Upon registration, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the training course through NSF’s eLearning portal. Any additional information pertaining to the course will be sent in your confirmation email.

You will find your course material and homework/exam on the eLearning portal. You will need to access the portal in order to successfully complete the course and print your certificate. Upon successful course completion, you will gain access to print your official NSF Certificate.

Who should Attend

  • Consultants

  • Technical Managers and personnel

  • Quality Managers and personnel

  • Auditors

  • Purchasing personnel